Top Things to Look for When Installing Door Lite Kits on Your Office Doors

Posted on: 23 September 2020

You might have decided that you would like to install door lite kits on your office doors. This can be a good way to improve visibility in the different rooms in your office building, and to make your separate offices feel a little more "open," but if you want to maximize your benefits when installing door lite kits, you'll need to make sure that you choose the right door lites. These are some of the main things that you will want to look for when installing door lite kits.

Proper Sizing

Naturally, the first thing that you should look at is sizing when you are buying door lite kits. You should determine approximately how big you want the door lites to be, and you should measure your doors. Then, you can make sure that you buy door lites that aren't too big or too small.


Fire safety should always be a concern when you're purchasing building materials for your office, including when you're buying door lites. Luckily, many door lites that are designed for commercial use have fire-rated glass. Although this might not seem like a big deal now, it can make a big difference in the unfortunate event that you have a fire break out in your office.

Easy to See Through

The whole point of installing door lites on your office doors might be because you want to allow a little more light to shine into those rooms. Another common reason why door lites are installed on office doors is so that it will be easy to see in and out of individual rooms in an office building. Either way, you will probably find that your door lites are a lot more effective if they are easy to see through, so this is something you will want to make sure of before purchasing and installing door lites.


Of course, you might be concerned about security issues when installing glass on your office doors. For example, you might like to keep your office locked when you aren't using it, and you might worry that installing glass will make it easier for someone to break in. To help prevent security issues, you should make sure that any door lites that you install are made from impact-rated glass. This is glass that cannot be easily broken, making it a better option if you are concerned about security issues, such as break-ins.

For more information about a lite kit, contact a local provider.
